VIV Worldwide

VIV worldwide is the business network linking professionals from Feed to Food. The combination of VIV trade shows, VIV online 24/7 and VIV trade summits shapes a unique platform that offers boundless opportunities to the animal protein supply chain players. Started in the Netherlands, VIV developed with dedication a worldwide network through 40 years of experience and interactions with the industry, becoming the leading platform today in and for some of the most promising markets of the world. VIV is multispecies: the network and its events include poultry broilers and layers, pig, cattle & calves and aquaculture.

In the 1980s, the first VIV Europe was organized in the Netherlands: around 40 years ago! Before that, Dutch feed industry and the Ministry of Agriculture launched a pig-farming fair, which was later joined by the Royal Dutch Jaarbeurs with its fair for show-poultry. The resulting event became known as “the Trade Fair for Innovative Animal Farming”, translated from the Dutch Vakbeurs Innovatieve Veehouderij, which simply became VIV for non-Dutch speakers worldwide.
We have come a long way since then!
What followed was the expansion of VIV brand across the world – Turkey, China, Russia, South East Asia, India, Latin America and finally the MEA region. These days, VIV is recognised as the leading brand amongst international target groups.
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